Business Resilience

Examine resources to assist in enabling the continuity of your business in adverse conditions and to enable succession planning for future viability.

City of Tacoma Launches Expansion of Sidewalks Café Program to Help Businesses Reopen after COVID-19 Closures

The City of Tacoma launched the Curbside Cafes and Markets pilot program, an expansion of the Sidewalk Café Program, on Friday, June 12, 2020.

The program is responsive to Tacoma businesses needs to meet physical distancing requirements from the Washington Roadmap to Recovery Plan.  A permit for the Curbside Café and Market Pilot Program can accommodate temporary structures such as tables, chairs, planters and shade coverings. Retail businesses may also use areas of the right-of-way to expand their ability to serve customers.

The City also is waiving application fees, street use fees and the cost of on-street parking related to the pilot program. Tacoma Venues and Events and Public Works are partnering to provide railings, as availability allows, to those businesses that would like to use these instead of providing their own.

Other programs, such as sidewalk cafés, food trucks and temporary load zones for food pickup, will still be available.

For more information about the program, visit To submit an application or to review program requirements, visit


Washington State Department of Commerce

Washington State Department of Commerce Economic Resiliency Team (ERT) Business Response Center

The team is currently able to answer questions as quickly as they are received. If you’re a business owner or operator with a question, Ask Your Question Here.

Business & Workers Update
Sign up to receive a weekly newsletter compiled by the ERT that helps businesses and workers navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

Startup Washington Small Business Resiliency Assistance

Technical assistance for small business owners from culturally and historically disadvantaged communities.

Technical assistance can include:

  • Finding and help applying for assistance to help your business right now, whether you are open or closed
  • Translation assistance
  • Navigating local, state and federal resources
  • Business coaching

Click here to learn more and to connect with a partnering organization. 

Click here to learn more and to connect with a partnering organization. 

Ready Business Continuity Planning Suite

Created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Ready campaign, businesses can utilize this solution to maintain normal operations and provide resilience during a disruption.


New webinars for small business owners

America’s SBDC Washington: Business Resiliency Toolkit

  • Business Resiliency Guide
  • Business Resiliency Plan
  • Emergency Procedures

America’s SBDC Washington: Disaster Planning and Recovery

SBA Emergency Preparedness

US Department of Homeland Security Business Preparedness Planning

United States Government

Comprehensive Official verified and updated Information of all aspects of the Federal Covid-19 Response.
Government Response to Coronavirus, COVID-19 | USAGov
Government Response to Coronavirus, COVID-19. Learn about international travel restrictions, how you can prepare for coronavirus, and what the U.S. government is doing in response to the virus.

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