Invest in a rapidly growing community.

Statement From Mayor Victoria Woodards Regarding Starting or Growing a Business in Tacoma
“Tacoma has a history of incentivizing the creation of family-wage jobs, and businesses that create these types of jobs in Tacoma can already qualify for up to five different tax credits. These credits – which can total up to $3,250 per year – can be claimed for up to five years for each qualifying job created. Ultimately, as the Puget Sound region as a whole evolves and grows, Tacoma and Pierce County benefit. I will continue to pursue cooperative and collaborative strategies with other cities and counties throughout the area to ensure that the Puget Sound region remains a desirable place to start or grow a business.” -Mayor Victoria Woodards, January 2, 2024
Tacoma Has It All
Tacoma is experiencing unprecedented growth. With more than $1 billion being invested in downtown Tacoma, private investment has surpassed public investment by a nearly 4:1 ratio. By investing in Tacoma, you’ll gain access to the global marketplace, affordable real estate, an incredible lifestyle, and an experienced support team that knows what it takes to help your business grow.
"I would say Tacoma chose us..."
Companies like Advanced Technology Construction Corporation recognize that, not only is Tacoma friendly to business, it is a place where owners and employees can bring their families to thrive.